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Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Fashionable Repressed Conservative

AS dodges behind a reader on race bait politics.

Surprise, when the going gets tough, the Fasionable Conservative rolls over and plays victim of a "p.c." conspiracy against "views" that the left ignores, to all our peril, no doubt.

C'mon. Today, we might call that the O'Reilly defense: I cannot say or conclude anything "wrong", and if I do, it's not really "wrong", it's just being excluded because it's not "p.c." or an attack from radical left-wing outfits, like NBC.


What's telling in the reader's response is that there are no details, except one, welfare reform.

But, wait a minute. ...

Welfare reform as a genetically informed social policy? Or, more precisely, "policy limit"?

I guess it is fair minded that AS publishes the lunatic fringe among his readers. How else are we to receive that nugget charitably?

Reader fails to note that Dr. Watson has apologized for his remarks and qualified them with emphasis. Why is that omission not surprising?