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Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Mozart's great "Ave Verum Corpus".

Leonard Bernstein, 1990

Two other versions:

Probably my favorite of the three (listen to how the sopranos lead and shape the entire phrase with balance through the great crescendo of the 'mortis examine'):

Mozart's final completed sacred work was written on 17 June 1791, for the feast of Corpus Christi at the request of Anton Stoll, choirmaster at Baden where Mozart was visiting with his wife Constanze.

Salve, verdadero cuerpo,
nacido de María Virgen,
que fue inmolado en la cruz
por los hombres,
cuyo lado perforado manó sangre y agua,
dejanos degustarte
en el trance de la muerte.

Ave verum corpus, natum
De Maria Virgine,
Vere passum, immolatum
In cruce pro homine,
Cuius latus perforatum
Unda fluxit et sanguine,
Esto nobis praegustatum
In mortis examine.

Hail the true body, born
of the Virgin Mary:
You who truly suffered and were sacrificed
on the cross for the sake of man.
From whose pierced flank
flowed water and blood:
Be a foretaste for us
in the trial of death.