For my time in D.C., it appears that the prospect of crowds and cold weather drove away all but the hardcore, which was just the best outcome.
It's not possible to underestimate the excitement and enthusiasm. It had almost a Mardis Gras like feel (although my brief spin up to U-street* suggested the locals were deep in their bunkers and undisclosed locations...).I got on the elevator with a lady, alongside her friends, who was decked out in Obama sneakers, Obama sweat pants, Obama-Biden stickers all over her warm-puffy coat, and probably more Obama stuff that I couldn't see.
... aaand it's not common that I get so sartorially upstaged in D.C., if you catch my drift. We exchanged what I thought were knowing glaces, but I'm not sure - those folks from the South have five different ways to smile at you (and I don't know them all).
[*Is it forbidden in D.C. to own an American car, now? Toyota-Toyota-Honda-Honda-VW-Toyota-Audi-Honda-Honda-Lexus-BMW-Chrysler...]