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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Rick Warren, Footnotes

Dear "Rick Warren" and Wannabe Saddlebackers Worldwide:

Notice this?

"Mississippi Paper Offers Apology for Its 'Gross Neglect' During Civil Rights Struggle"

...and, er... this?

"In an unprecedented gesture, Pope John Paul II on Sunday publicly asked God's forgiveness for the sins of Roman Catholics through the ages, including wrongs inflicted on Jews, women and minorities."

That gays and lesbians are an individual harm to themselves is an argument that has been lost a long time, now (although Anita Bryant look-alikes show up all the time, still).

Notwithstanding that we should all be concerned about the threat to civil society from sexual relations amok, be careful how far you press the gays-are-bad-for-society, final-line of abuse.

I promise, it will come back to haunt you, if you go too far with hard-heartedness.