So, it turns out that the thrall of the Obamites has kept them, maybe, from making the case.
While Hillary is up there saying, "I'm not just talking about it, I sponsored legislation ...".
Turns out that Barack co-sponsored the Illinois Human Rights Act, which become law sometime after he became a U.S. Senator. As a new State Senator, I'm not sure how much influence he had on the bill, but somehow these important details of his legislative accomplishments/record are getting lost (or de-emphasized) in the compare-contrast going on.
Obama's guy, Tobias Wolf (this is way long, but it's what you have to do to scrape up the facts and get them to those who know what to do with them [yuk, yuk, yuk] ...):
p.s. "the Right" has yet to come after Obama in the national campaign on abortion, here and here. Point is that it would be a mistake to think that the vetting done in the Democratic race is fully indicative.