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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Rightwing Pundits Resort to False Generalization, Labels


Tucker Carlson on Rev Wright (MSNBC at 3:57 pm, 3/20): "The guy is a creep." Tucker has never even met him, right? The anchor doesn't challenge him on his statement, accepts that a "Patriotic standard" should be applied to anyone who wants to be a minister, right?

Ditto Michelle Malkin: "These weren’t occasional outbursts. They were the bread and butter of the Trinity United Church of Christ." How much time has she spent at Trinity?

MSNBC continues to show clips of Wright, without adding any context, except the contradictory, 'by now, everybody has already heard them', but ...!

Usually ready with the facts, Gretta Van Susteren got her head handed to her last night by Rev. Al Sharpton, who simply asked her to reproduce statements to back-up her claim of "racist". When she threw out a reference (not verbatim) to statements about Hillary, Sharpton said, (paraphrase) 'Oh, now it is racist to question Hillary Clinton? By that standard, your whole news station is in jeopardy, right?'

[How much of a not-ready-for-Primetime-yet is Johnathan Capehart? I caught him nodding and agreeing with Pat Buchanan's fiercely partisan spin. He thinks Obama is in jeopardy as "Patriot-in-Chief", whatever that means in his mind, right?]

Update: FOX News continues with its smear campaign. Charles Krauthammer: "raving racist" (unchallenged by Brit Hume, Fred Barnes, et. al.)

Mark my words. These willful smears will come back to hurt them.

Geraldine Ferraro: Well, she's made her choice, apparently, the choice that Obama has put to us, and she went for the rails. She got in her cheap shot today, with the silly notion that her remarks were not incorrect. Brilliant. The woman candidate - her own formulation - who took the party to a massive defeat in 1984 is ready to do it again.

Update: Look how very limited the future of The National Review is, if you just read their editor. He's got nothing, except garrulous generalizations ...

Update: The Rev Wright commended for helping during hospitalization/surgery for President Johnson.