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Friday, March 28, 2008

Bashing Hillary Set to Reach New Fever Pitch


Peggy Noonan just doesn't get it (along with AS and lots of others, including George Will, William Safire, ...).

Peggy thinks everyone has blinders on, about lies.

Here, let me give an example of what I mean.

Right now, in NJ, there is a fight going on between Comcast cable and Verizon cable. In some places, Verizon is offering fiber optic to the curb ("FIOS"), which is, of course, superior to the copper wire that Comcast has.

Even with all her faults, I'd still honestly choose Hillary over anyone in the GOP field. McCain himself has flip-flopped on torture - where's the integrity? Romney? I wouldn't trust to go to the corner with a dollar for gum, least he come back with an 'explication' of some sort that it had to be spent on the military or some such. Guiliani? He doesn't equivocate, but he seems prone to keeping a blameless inner-sanctum, not unlike Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld. So...
The changeover is happening slowly, as it is really expensive (maybe even to the point of being unprofitable) for the new fiber cables to be laid.

So, what is happening in the marketplace?

Well, Comcast is out on the airwaves telling everyone that they have a fiber optic network, too. They do, but it's not really the same thing.

Such claims are probably seen as "lies" in the Verizon camp and quite maddening.

Now, I don't know all the grievances that the Safires, Wills, Noonans, and Sullivan's have - partly because they seldom list but a few - but, if they are in the realm of this category, then it seems askew to criticize Bill or Hillary for having mastered the techniques used against them, at one time.

So, Tulza is a black spot, unquestionably. Sandbagging by putting questions in the audience is a problem, to a degree. But seriously, Noonan seems to rate these as high as what Bush-Cheney have done.

Even with all her faults, I'd still honestly choose Hillary over anyone in the GOP field. McCain himself has flip-flopped on torture - where's the integrity? Romney? I wouldn't trust to go to the corner with a dollar for gum, least he come back with an 'explication' of some sort that it had to be spent on the military or some such. Guiliani? He doesn't equivocate, but he seems prone to keeping a blameless inner-sanctum, not unlike Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld.