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Thursday, March 13, 2008

And so it begins ...

... don't say I didn't warn you:

From the Wall Street Journal, making "Barack the Magic Negro" a "respectable" meme.

How sad and revolting that we've come to this:

Though Ms. Ferraro resigned from the Clinton campaign yesterday, her remarks reveal little more than a firm grasp of the obvious, even if she could have found a less artless way to express herself. There is no disputing that Mr. Obama's skin color has been a political boon for him to date.-WSJ Editorial

Yeah, the "boon" has also been "obvious": it's that we don't have to think about race at all when voting for him, do we, except as a force to liberate us from the old ways.

Like these put-downs:

Americans of all backgrounds can take satisfaction in watching the country field its first black Presidential candidate with a chance to win.

That's all he represents, symbolically or otherwise, at the WSJ editorial board? Just "a chance to win".

Can you fault them? That's all they know, "winning" and "losing" and keeping score with money, at the WSJ.

Separately, Oberman's invective last night seemed over-the-top to me, even if I understand the sentiment. This is not the way I'd have wanted Hillary to lose or Barack to win.