Bush lied to the American public in his September 13, 2007 televised speech.
According to new reporting by CNN's reporter McIntyre on their "Keeping Them Honest" segment, information they have compiled, after trying to find out which army brigade the President was referring to, suggests that the troops that are coming home by December had nothing to do with the surge "success" or developments on the ground, because the redeployment decision of one unit that they found was wholly unrelated to surge policy and had been scheduled to come home before Petreaus's September strategic assessment.
The President's speech that
Because of this success, General Petraeus believes we have now reached the point where we can maintain our security gains with fewer American forces. He has recommended that we not replace about 2,200 Marines scheduled to leave Anbar province later this month. In addition, he says it will soon be possible to bring home an Army combat brigade, for a total force reduction of 5,700 troops by Christmas. And he expects that by July, we will be able to reduce our troop levels in Iraq from 20 combat brigades to 15.was a willful obfuscation.
I believe linking a wholly unrelated matter into a paragraph about "success" of the surge, by using the phrase "in addition", shows the intent to lie, to obfuscate, to deliberately mislead, while not using words that are exactly false.
This is conduct unbecoming. It is not just parsing words to say so. The effort, perhaps part of a general pattern now, goes beyond putting a positive light on events, saying that there is room or cause for hope. It's a deliberate effort that mischaracterizes events - that's a lie.
In an open Republic, the will of the American people to take future war actions depends on getting accurate and complete information from the Commander in Chief about the battlefield during the current ones.
Everytime he and his lie like this, they are destroying the capacity of the nation to wage war, slowly and surely. He is, in this indirect but very real way, an ongoing risk to our National Security, in a way that is far more profound than the "defeatocrats", etc.