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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Conservatives and Pragmatism

In "Liberals and Pragmatism" AS does the usual two-step when he doesn't have any arguments, hasn't done any research, but wants to support what he thinks is a 'conservative opinion' anyway - he's enables ... someone else.

Let's see, if one were to pen a piece called "Conservatives and Pragmatism", how would we rate the way that they have pushed 'gay marriage' forward, at great expense? Does that cut too close to the bone?

The fact is, that a strong case can be made that it is Conservatives that are the ones, over time, who are unable to compromise at the right times, and in the right ways.


Look at how the Republican party rent itself over the issue, as the hand-wringing, law-and-order folks finally "won out" over those who proposed compromises. Now, we are set on a path of brittle, disgusting and escalating rhetoric and accelerating and massive spending on a "fence" that is reportedly going to solve the problem, even though less than 50% of the non-citizens among us come via some fence jump over.

Social Security

Despite everything, they couldn't come up with a compromise. Their Blue Ribbon panel was a joke from the outset, as it's mandate prescribed the solution the President wanted - privatization.

Terry Shiavo

Theater of the absurd, yes?


By most of what I understand of this Bill, this is what you call "good compromise", that is, drawing the lines in the right places at the right time. In fact, on many issues, it actually improves the current program. The Conservatives, under President Bush's veto pen, have opted once again to turn an issue into a political football (for 2008), rather than compromise to get it done.


No better compromise is going to come than Justice O'Connor's balance of freedoms arguments (certainly not from any State Court); yet the amount of psychic energy that gets invested in overturning Roe would fill 'a Twinkie the size of Manhattan', regardless of the fact that Roe isn't the current state of the law.

... the list goes on.

Spare us the lecture, Andrew. Perhaps "lecture" is the wrong term. Kos seemed to be onto something with the memorable, "conservative concern troll of the day".