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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Politico Speak - Things That Make Us Laugh

A while back, so many were taken to task for describing Obama as well spoken. But you can understand, partly, why that characterization has a broader base than just racial mis-perceptions or prejudice.

To wit, I was listening to the radio and some local swell came on and suggested that (paraphrase), "This was the agreement, and - you know - it has not been adheeded [sic] to." I assume he combined "not adhered to" and "not heeded", to come up with "adheeded".

Then Mayor Bloomberg said something like, "We've gotten to the point that politics is so partisan, that if you have lunch with someone from the opposing party, you are a Parana." I think he was trying for "pariah" (and I'm pretty sure I didn't hear him wrong).
