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Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Homosexual "Lifestyle"

I was just about to write how someone could make a fortune taking "Notes From the Homosexual Lifestyle", just to unravel that brainlessly repeated compaction, but it appears that CNN has beat me to the punch with a request for comments/video. Surprisingly, I'm supposed to be "uncovered" by them. LOL.

Let's see, I got four new tires for the car last week, after some slippy-slip in the rain knocked up a rim. They are most excellent and I got a great price. The guy at the store was very competent. Bored yet? No? How 'bout if I throw in a gripping narrative of how I was the sole bidder in an eBay auction for new car floor mats?

Our aging pets are doing really well this month, but they are aging pets, afterall. I wonder if CNN wants a picture of that? :-( A friend shared a recipe for wholesome, homemade pet food, which I tried this week. Is that something I could dramatize, I wonder?

The big excitement at NJ Pride was that they switched it around this year, so that the stage faced east. We got some good swag (I have a zippy new pocket tape measure that p-dog - that's like b-rabbit - scored for me from Provident bank, after I lost the last one. Yeah, I actually am the type that could put something like that to use). Bored yet?

Didn't have to crowd into an overpriced and attitude filled venue to see the Gin Blossoms perform on the weekend. Fresh strawberries up at the corner. The blackberry bushes up there just put out their blossoms. My weekend Sangria didn't come out very well (I even picked up a Spanish Merlot, grrrr...). That's got to be worth a 'homosexual moment' in time, no?

Between work and ADLs, the quotidienne probably dominates 90% of our 'homosexual lifestyle', which is why that phrase seems like someone's mind on crack.