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Sunday, June 3, 2007

"BABEL" and Tuberculosis

How much does the story of the man who traveled with TB from Italy to his home, the United Sates, remind you of last year's foreign film nominee, BABEL?

A lot.

If you haven't seen the film, it's about how some events in the mostly ordinary lives of a series of characters gets inflected by the prism of Global Terrorism.

The storytelling I found a little jarring. I think it might have been better had they been simply told straight through, rather than cutting back-and-forth and using some reverse chronology. But they are good stories, and that carries the day.


correction: The film was actually not in the "foreign film" category (which I think has been supplanted, anyway, with "foreign language"), but was nominated in the Best Picture category, among others. Gustavo Santaolalla won for best score (yum).