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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The New Arafat?

That way Hamas gets to keep power in Gaza, maintain its popularity as fighters against Palestinian oppression, and avoid any actual responsibility for governance. Not exactly a recipe for diminishing their power or popularity. -AJ

It struck me, when I read this incisive observation, that this 'positioning' is the same as Arafat's... glup. 2X.

And the idea that the Hamas was never given a chance to govern is wildly absurd. But, blame everyone seems to still have traction as regional apologetics.

Just because the Hamas is organized politically doesn't mean that they are for the people. Of course, they do all their social work among the poor and uneducated, so that they can pretend that they are 'for the people' when they set out to 'blow shit up'.

Nor is it even clear that they should not have been banned as a political party (which is, afterall, a view that is arguably consistent with 'democracy'), a view in Israel that was set aside by the USA, in favor of Hamas, a chance for them to govern.

But, like Hizbollah in Lebanon, what have they brought but sorrow, despair, and death, riding under the banner of 'glory'? There are even billboards in Lebanon, admittedly in the Northern parts, that say, "Choose Life". And all say, Amen.