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Monday, March 15, 2010

Virginia: Not for lovers or employers


Virginia's newly elected GOP are on the verge of hate speech, I'm sad to say.

The chilling effect is that these new GOP hatefills are proposing a 'confusion' in order to popularize and propagate the notion that it is okay and lawful to hate-on-gays, even though the law does NOT say one must do so.
There is no law mandating that one must discriminate in employment for or against gay and lesbians.


Therefore, seizing this issue as one of their first post-electoral 'championship issues' does nothing but popularize the notion that it is okay to fire gays and lesbians.

It's a chilling effect, at a minimum, an intimidation at worst, on those who would put limits what you can not do, not what you can do, in regards to having the freedom to hire people on whatever terms you want.

The chilling effect is that these new GOP hatefills are proposing a 'confusion' in order to popularize and propagate the notion that it is okay and lawful to hate-on-gays, even though the law does NOT say one must do so.