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Monday, March 3, 2008

We Need a Diplomat-in-Chief, Less So a Commander-in-Chief


The long, short-sighted hand of William F. Buckley, Jr., is still at work in the world.

Like many in the GOP, including "The Gipper", he felt that a massive "shunning exercise" brought down the Soviet totalitarian system. This grave exaggeration induced neocons to their massive hubris and continues to this day in the hopped-up memes one reads in such places as powerline blog, for instance.

Today, their lot, including their selected nominee, think they can turn a whole election on National Security, again.

One problem is that GOP boosters are pretending to offer the World "American Leadership", while behind the scenes their actions look a lot like strategies for American Dominance.
One problem is that GOP boosters are pretending to offer the World "American Leadership", while behind the scenes their actions look a lot like strategies for American Dominance. Even if not, they are perceived that way, clearly, the world over, a factor they seem to revel in, against all wisdom.


The United Nations, for instance, was not set up as it is, so that only nations of goodwill and good character can come to talk to each other...

In the post-Soviet dreamworld on the Right, John Kennedy's phrase is not apt. It might well be updated: "We should never negotiate out of shame, but we should never be ashamed to negotiate."
David Horrowitz is fond of popularizing that Liberalism is religion (he must have missed almost all of Buckley, Jr., right?), but you can peruse the arguments of the Right and find the simpleton language of "evil" written all over the conservative approach to foreign policy. Summed up in a law we might call "The Law of the Conservation of Evil", conservatives are taught to say that dictators are "evil", therefore, talking to them makes one an "appeaser" and a party to "evil", because the amount of "evil" cannot change. In other words, it's not just an apt denunciation they want or to hold a light in the darkness.

The psychological self-importance they accord themselves gives America a true Achilles heel. The United Nations, for instance, was not set up as it is, so that only nations of goodwill and good character can come to talk to each other...

In the post-Soviet dreamworld on the Right, John Kennedy's phrase is not apt. It might well be updated: "We should never negotiate out of shame, but we should never be ashamed to negotiate."

Even the military have cautioned that the threat matrix of tomorrow and the next day, requires more than the old-time conservative religion.