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Monday, March 10, 2008

Running the Media Cycle

Who will dominate the media cycle this week and how?

Make your bets.

The national media, for the most part right now, are off talking about nothing. This doesn't help Obama.

Hillary or her campaign simply have to say something slightly outrageous or do a provocative ad, at this time, and it will get covered by every blogger, every Right-wing media outfit (and, by necessity, then, every mainstream media outlet), across the country.
The Obama campaign has a lot of catching-up to do, no matter what the math says, especially on national security, which is the National Campaign issue that Hillary is staking out to go alongside her signature healthcare issue. We'll see if they can hive off a chunk of time, say 2-weeks, and handle both a reactive and proactive strategy.

Hillary or her campaign simply have to say something slightly outrageous or do a provocative ad, at this time, and it will get covered by every blogger, every Right-wing media outfit (and, by necessity, then, every mainstream media outlet), across the country. This will drown out the rest ...