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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Some folks are giddy about Hillary's remarks about being a VP.

I have to confess that, when I heard about them, I was ... cynical. I heard, "I know I've just been rather naughty. But, don't hate me. I'll join the dream team, if asked." In other words, I thought it was a way to diffuse some of the anger.

It's always hard to know when you are over-analyzing. I hope I'm wrong. Who knows, really, except the wind?

Separately, a few are still upset about Hillary's efforts to sweep McCain into the theme of making the election about experience, rather than change, per se.

Rather than whine about process and fair-play (sound familiar), other rejoinders for/from Obama include, "Well, John McCain has had the experience to challenge me, just as soon as I became the frontrunner. And I have the experience to know not to tout my opponent on National Television. So, she has experience in some things, but not with the judgment that will bring about the kind of change we need."