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Friday, March 14, 2008

Hillary Agrees to Drain the Kitchen Sink

A cordial debate in Philadelphia on 4/16.

It's a gutsy move. Why?

It's the day after she is "scheduled" to release her latest tax returns (and I'd bet along with you that there is going to be some delay and a filing extension, right?). Only Kennedy's can be "rich" and court the votes of the working class ... Everyone knows that.

Afterall, look at all the horrible things she's said and done!

"Who do you want to answer the phones?", "Meet me in Ohio, Barack Hooossein Obama!", "... as far as I know", "...I'll play Janeway and you can be my number two", "I disagree", "I apologize", "the sky will open up".

Such evil! Such dastardliness! Burn her! Burn her! Use her husband as the pyre!