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Saturday, March 15, 2008

FOX As Grand Inquisitors

A freakish display from FOX's prosecutor-in-chief, Major Garret, as he questions Barack Obama on his "faith experience". (Media Matters has a compendium of Major's minors).

Just listen to the first part. The questions are put to Obama like he's a common criminal, as if he has been charged with a crime, and he is sitting in an Inquisitor's auto de fe.

These aren't questions about his faith experience. They are foundational questions for them to start asking for something like records of donations, to see on what days Obama was in the pew, right?

(here's a FOX link if you don't want to bother with their player)

Obama does fine in the interview. He's calm and answers questions without getting irritated. However, he misses the opportunity to not issue one-word answers and fill the time with his own message. (As an aside, I have to say that Hillary handles these things better. I've never forgotten her Vince Foster performance. She really is astounding at being as tough as nails under pressure. She hasn't lost a bit of that and her communications skills have been noticeably growing during the campaign.)


So, during Hannity's re-aired interview with Jeremiah Wright, Hannity tells the reverend that he went to seminary school and studied latin, making it sound like he is a scholar of some sort. Turns out that Hannity went to seminary-prep, where he got a high-school diploma. Sean has no college degree, according to Wikipedia, and has a honorary degree from Falwell's Liberty University, for speaking once there.

Wright, on the other hand, is a Harvard graduate and has a degree from Chicago Divinity, as well as a ministry degree from Union Theological Seminary.

FOX - and FreedomWatch's Ari Fleischer - has to ask itself if challenging black liberation theology, at this time in America, is a forward-looking way to talk about ending our divisions, when both communities are looking forward to a new day, in so many ways. The signs of such progress are all over.

What good is FOX's approach, since we cannot erase history and there is absolutely no evidence that high-profile denunciations from whites, even white Christians, will effect the change we all seek?
What galls is Hannity's unlearned attitude that there could be no possible explanation for some of Wright's comments, whereas some are factually true, some are over-statements, some are legitimately debatable. FOX keeps playing a string of different ones, so that people just get "impressions", get emotional, get overwhelmed with the variety, so that they cannot focus on any one statement. It's a smear.

But what may disqualify Hannity is that he "raised questions" about Obama with respect to Farrakhan, implying a suspicion that Obama was a pro-crypto Muslim who hated Jews. Now, when the time is ripe, he's running an expose that Obama isn't Christian enough, basically.

FOX - and FreedomWatch's Ari Fleischer - has to ask itself if challenging black liberation theology, at this time in America, is a forward-looking way to talk about ending our divisions, when both communities are looking forward to a new day, in so many ways. The signs of such progress are all over. We cannot erase history and there is absolutely no evidence that high-profile denunciations from whites, even white Christians, will effect the change we all seek.