Elliot Spitzer, one of the great champions of law in service of the public interest, who unflinchingly took on almost every corner of bogus practice, is set to lose it over ... sexual ethics.
Eilliot was like an old-school Greek Hero, the way he championed causes, not a self-righteous crusader.
With the NY legislature just one vote from being Democratic in a long, long time, it has to be a bitter pullback.
What's adding salt into the wound is listening to commentators talking about how much of an imperative it is that Spitzer leave, because he's been so high minded and visible.
Meanwhile, U.S. Senator David "Family Values" Vitter (R-LA) returned to a loud ovation from his political party. An ovation. Vitter also condemned Bill Clinton as "morally unfit to govern." (That's right along lines with other GOP guy, Senator Craig, who lectured Bill that he'd been a naughty, dirty boy.)
One of FOX's tribunes (a.k.a. "contributors") blasted Spitzer because he should have known that prostitution is linked with organized crime and narcotics. Gosh, back when, one never heard such things ...