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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hillary - How much a technocrat

Maureen Dowd raises questions about Hilary's ability on the big picture issues. Is her blind spot that she thinks too well of people and institutions? Has her idealism led her to poor judgment in people? Personally, I see her votes on these matters clouded - flawed, really - by the impetus to vote as she would want a Senator to vote if she were President ...

AS makes the case that the Clinton's "lied" to everyone. He was closer to the day-to-day than most anyone, I suppose.

Still, abuse of public trust is not the first thing that comes to mind to characterize the Clinton era and the withering assault - withering - that was leveled against them to 'slow them down'. To the contrary, one slept well during the Clinton era, knowing that there were grown-ups in the White House, not entirely captive of their authority or emotions,

Nevertheless, they were politicians interested in their own political survival. Is that an indictment? Where is the line?