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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

GOP Family Values ... down on the list somewhere


On his blog, Greg Mankiw published the White House's SCHIP propaganda for their veto.

I'm in a kinda snarky mood, which is not a good thing, so I may regret this, but it seems lucid, at least:

  1. 1. Children aren't poor, familiies are poor.
  2. 2. Nice try - get a fallback position, so White House intransigence doesn't appear to affect anyone
  3. 3. How odd. While it was "winning votes", this Administration (and it's R-ubberstamps) was happy to extend the program to adults using waivers. Now that it's not on the path to permanent majority, the 'old-time' religion looks ... hollow.
  4. 4. Whatever
  5. 5. Who cares if private insurers get 'crowded out'? Insurance is not a family value.
  6. 6. There is no evidence that this WH believes that "you should raise taxes to pay for more spending". NONE. (see point 9 below)
  7. 7. These projections look about as sound as the projected benefits from those 2002 tax cuts. This WH couldn't come up with an accurate projection even if they had traveled to the future and back.
  8. 8. This program offers choice, bigger choice than the measely things the President has offered, late and without emphasis.
  9. 9. Oh, great, this White House wants to complicate the tax code and pass out *another* unfunded tax cut. (see point 6 above)

/file: GOP Obstructionism in the 110th