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Monday, August 6, 2007

HRC - Logo Forum : Q & A

I've been contributing to questions on another thread for the upcoming HRC/Logo Forum that will include Democratic Presidential hopefuls, covering Richardson, Dodd, Kucinich, and Biden (so far). As time draws closer, I wanted to get to a question that I had for Hillary, though, as follows:

"Senator Clinton, you were a practicing lawyer for many years. As such, you might be familiar with a brand of postulation that goes under the rubric of Natural Law Theory.

What you may not be familiar with is that the National Endowment for the Humanities recently funded a group in Princeton, New Jersey, that uses Natural Law Theory to bolster and propagate anti-gay animus. Their advocacy pieces do not provide the shortcomings of natural law theory as it applies to homosexuals, rather they promote just one view of how Natural Law Theory applies, from all that we've read. The grant will cover the costs of building a website putatively to "provide greater access", but even it is at odds, on the face of it, with important parts of their existing website, which exist only for those who have a password, even.

Apart from this particularly startling grant to this organization, the general prospect remains that government agencies may well use the dollars of honest, hard-working, tax-paying gay and lesbian citizens to support the operations of private groups that promote anti-gay legal "theories".

What can you do both legally and as President, through Executive Order, to ensure that our own money isn't used against us, that no taxpayer money goes to groups that use a one-sided, Natural Law Theory interpretation to dismiss and denigrate gay relationships?"