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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"Praying to Make It to 65 Before We Get Wiped Out" 'cause of Healthcare

The GOP's President continues to hold up States who would sooner address these problems than leave it to the R-ubberstamp Senators who politely listen, but do nothing.

(I cannot verify these stories, but no reason to believe they are false, on the face of it.):

My husband is among those who lost his job after he got too old (and was making too much money). He was ready to retire, anyway, but we have run into an unforeseen problem.

We can't get health insurance of ANY kind, and we're still years away from Medicare. (He has high blood pressure and I have several minor health issues that require prescriptions. Ever heard of something called "pre-existing conditions"?)

We thought we had enough money to live out the rest of our lives without worrying about the wolf being at the door if one of us gets sick, but here we sit, praying to make it to 65 before we get wiped out. There are NO jobs that offer health insurance for people our age. -posted 12:18 pm on 08/03/2007

Also: "I lost a third of my pension and my family lost its healthcare"

Arnold Kling continues to believe that 'dump and deny' isn't a serious problem (he seems to often fail to add, "in practice", because it is certainly a problem "in theory"). Even if true on average, there appear to be very significant cracks in that thesis, yes?