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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Laura Bush - A Sad Legacy of Silence?

As President Bush prepares to go into high gear to swat important Federal hate crime legislation, perhaps it is time to consider the tenure of the First Lady. (That's my backroom private message to the President, anyway.)

One might consider Laura Bush the perfect political wife.

But she has been silent on important family issues.

  • She went along with her husband's dismissive and disgusting behavior on Easter, as the White House did what it could to refuse gay families participation in the national festivities.
  • She's never spoken out on behalf of the mothers who have gay and lesbian kids serving in the military, even when her husband didn't have to face the electorate again.
  • She takes awards from women's groups and speaks out on women's issues, but her husband appointed two men to the Supreme Court.
She is potentially the epitome of civic moral failing.