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Monday, July 16, 2007

Qom Gambit that 'Bush is Our Man' Appears Closer to Payoff

The apparent bet of the Iranian Mullocracy that they could easily manipulate Bush-Cheney and the GOP boosters into an open war and take the Iranian Revolution to a whole new level appears to be closer to reality, if you follow the tea leaves.

In a story entitled “Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran,” The Guardian writes that Cheney may be winning the debate inside the White House over how to confront Iran. -ThinkProgress

Given how badly they are doing with domestic unrest and rationing, an external war must be like a gift from Allah to Qom's agents provocateurs.

In fact, a new, extensive poll (Iran: Unprecedented Nationwide Survey) shows that the Iranians now hate their Supreme Leader as much as Americans 'disapprove' of King George "The Decider".

Two leaders, that their people hate, potentially make war on each other that will have enormous impact on the peoples of both nations.

I thought we were done with that in the last century...