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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Congressional Field Trip to White House Today

King George and Co prepare the glitz in order to keep his crown and to string out "another six months". (Even if you think another six months is "o.k.", there is still the ugly, self-serving dishonesty of having failed for so long a time to level with the American people that they wwere / are looking at years of 'stay the course').


The Administration will invite members of Congress up for a classified session with the military leader who has indicated that no military strategy will "win" victory.

I assume that some people will be impressed. It's amazing what you can buy with pizazz.

I wonder if anyone will come away with a percentage of how much of Baghdad is currently being "held" (as in clear-hold-build), with a breakdown of held by US troops only, joint troops, and Iraqi troops only versus where it stood 2, 4 and 6 weeks ago.. Maybe that is "classified" too ...