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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Liberal Hysteria

For some reason, debating genetics and intelligence always provokes liberal hysteria. -AS
*eyes roll* Reading this is like hearing someone completely gorgeous wonder aloud why people are so hung up on looks or tell you that looks don't matter, really.

For myself, I don't have any problem if scientists debate IQ.

The motivation for why conservative political commentators (wink-wink-nudge-nudge) want to debate it, too, escapes me, though. Of all the scientific inquiries on the table, why this one, with precious little conclusive to offer, is singled out for prominence?

Students of history and students of politics understand how similar "genetic" "arguments" have been misused in the past. Why do some, as professed 'conservatives', ignore the wisdoms of history?

What's more, no matter which way the science eventually goes, no one is going to laud a special person who made themselves the chanticleer on the issue. It's a lose-lose, in *both* the short and the long run. Again, making it very hard to understand the motivation of those so determined to have it eventually run as a stubbornness shortcoming, an intellectual lacuna, or a memorable blotch on their escutcheon in their obit.