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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Prop 8 Trial, Day 5 - Other Notes

Today would have been an especially good day for the trial to have been televised.

Today was shocking because one wonders how it is that every Congresscritter can probably recite what the Right says about Adam&Steve and their Tippecanoe on family, but how so few can probably summarize the key findings of decades of serious research into the matter, in three points, as did Dr. Lamb today:

[the foundations of good parents, of good family outcomes]

1. The quality of the relationship that children have with their parents and those that come after them. Large body of evidence that children do best when with loving parents and do worse without.

2. The quality of the relationship between the parents or other significant adults. Kids do better when parents are happy with each other than not.

3. The availability of adequate economic and social resources.

That means that good outcomes are not necessarily predicated on "ideal" settings. {pause}

It doesn't mean that someone cannot have a faith belief or a sociological belief that "ideals" are useful. It does certainly mean that idealists should temper their views when making public policy for the whole of God's creation, for all of society... They might gravitate, instead, to a 'balance of liberties' approach, rather than generate grave harms in blind or headstrong pursuit of ideals/doctrine.

Also, it seems a pity that the gay community has to wait for a trial of this magnitude to marshall the huge array of competent argumentation and studied review of the opposition, as has been done here. That doesn't slight any other efforts, even those focused differently. It's just an observation.