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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

David Blankenhorn, Today's Courtroom Defender of "George Wallace" in Our Times

David Blankenhorn is on the stand today, defending the George Wallaces of our time, Dr. "Tam-tam", Andy Pugno, and the entire lying, manipulative and fear-frothed campaign, that included an election morning e-mail among the Catholic conference with the perhaps telling subject line, "go to confession".

What is he saying? Well, that marriage is for children.

What does the Bible say, in the most visible creation allegory of the Western World and beyond?

God created Eve, because he saw that Adam was lonely (2 Gen 18). Yes, that's right, an adult-adult spirituality, right there, at the center, "from the beginning".

There is much in the allegory, actually, that is gay-appropriate.