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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Google Plots to Take Over the World

Of course, that merits mention because it cuts into my plans, but now they are going into competition with non-profit Wikipedia. Some real masters-of-the-universe running the show, eh?

I'm not happy that Google is taking over all search. It's not necessarily an improvement. Even on the AS blog, when you do a search, you cannot sort the results, by time, for instance, or click on an option to get "display=full", as one used to be able to do, with say, the bloglines search engine.

Yahoo! seems to be getting worse by the day. Do these companies even talk to people who use their websites?

There is too much "click to read more" going on, an agressive design, without the cool tools that make that easy/fun (most of the time, you have to get served a new page - how stupid is that?).
