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Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Basic Government Research"

AS on the energy bill, finds this:

One of the bill's most valuable and least-discussed features is the more than $6.5 billion in energy research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) funding the bill appropriates for the next decade, including $1 billion for renewable energy programs and $2 billion for carbon capture and sequestration RD&D, both spread over the next 5 years.
$6.5 billion? I wonder if anyone did an audit on the last $5 billion plume. As I recall, when that was done (early part of Bush Admin), it was earmark heaven, with much of it going to ... Texas.

Sorry, but my nose is smelling a porkfest, here, not a coordinated national science project likely to show results, like a man on the moon or an a-bomb. I hope I'm wrong.