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Friday, April 27, 2007

Rudy's Flip-Flop on Civil Unions

Mayor Giuliani believes marriage is between one man and one woman. Domestic partnerships are the appropriate - (AS quoting Daily Sun)

While the highly deliberative aspects of sorting out 'gay marriage' are ongoing, rightly so, this coordinated effort to prejudge the outcome by repeating "reserved ... one man, one woman" has to met with full rhetorical force.

If one wanted to develop a similarly good (powerful) campaign, I'm not sure the first best options are "freedom to marry" and "marriage equality".

There are people far, far better than I at doing this stuff, but I'd start with something like this, everytime a major leader comes out with a prejudgement, rather than a call for patience and introspection while the issue is being worked through:

"I'm not sure what script Rudy is reading from, but when I meet two people who have fallen in love they typically want to get married."


"We've been collecting stories for more than a few years now. Some people in our community have been together for over 20 years, through thick and thin. Who are we to tell them that they are not already married in the eyes of God?"