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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What is to be done about our torture President?

Andrew Sullivan is on a tear over at The Dish on torture.

The impetus is the just released Congressional "inquiry" into Abu Grahaib. 18 months to get at the truth (get the big picture from that alone, if you will).

There will be no truth and reconciliation commission. Will all this be gone as soon as it is presented? There was no impeachment (by agreement?). There will be no ... prosecution. King George "The Decider" is effectively pardoned, right?

Heck, we can't even get Karl Rove to testify about his role in subverting justice at Justice, even after he admits that no Executive privileged attached, because he didn't talk about anything with the President!

What does it tell you about how "managed" the Press corps is that no one has yet asked Laura Bush how she feels about it. Afterall, some people call her husband a war criminal. Would Hillary Clinton have gotten away with that? The situations aren't the same, but Laura has dipped her toe across the line, just a little bit, so she's close to being in fair play ...

Last, let's not forget that almost one in two Americans voted for the party of torture, including Georgia, for Saxby Chambliss!


The Right And Abu Ghraib II

The Right And Abu Ghraib I

The Torture Presidency

The Methods Of Communist Totalitarians

The Lies He Told

The Architect Of Abu Ghraib

Orwellianism Watch