Rick Warren, happy with his celebrity status, is throwing out comments to "the media".
He's told "us" that he loves gays.
He shouldn't have any problem giving up his invitation to the inaugural, out of love.
What's the bet that his ego won't let him? He wants the stage - and Obama-Biden have handed him a great, big one (gee, thanks, guys). ["Gays" would also like the stage, but they'd be happy without it, too, so long as Warren isn't the chosen one.]
Whatever the case, Warren's ministry ought to stop the spiritual violence.
No more Prayers for Bobby.
Lou Dobbs doesn't care, for one. He thinks it's all about getting along with this kind of ... 'viewpoint'. (Tonight, he gets his commentators to say it for him, though).
If that posture wasn't sad enough a commentary on America, he's not alone and it's 2009, in just a few weeks - 40 years after Stonewall, when the minority decided that the majority was no longer going to use its 'police' force to terrorize them.