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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cheney Hathos Nominee - Wrong on the Facts, Wrong on the Law


When Andrew Sullivan notices "this astonishing denial of fact", it hardly covers the whole of it.

Cheney has been wrong on the facts, whether or not he is in denial about it, right? From Saddam's WMD to torture to Scotter-Libby Justice to free trade to just about any topic you take - Abu Ghra'ib, Gitmo, Executive Power, 'greeted as liberators', troop level requirements-, he's been contravened by the facts or the law.

What is utterly astonishing is that people are interested in his judgement at all. Maybe it is all the money he has?

America's collective delusions about National Security brought him a second term, but that hardly makes him 'consequential', any more than Madoff is 'consequential', right?

And when he is not wrong, he's covering up the facts. Everyone recall his Christmas picture of his new grandson, Samuel, which bizarrely didn't show his lesbian daughter, the child's mother?