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Friday, December 12, 2008

Senator Shelby of the Japan Handout Prefecture


Boy, that went by the wayside, faster than "compassionate conservationism", eh?

The captured e-mail, read by Gettlefinger and outlining internal GOP stonewalling worthy of Newt Gingrich, was eye-popping enough; but the fact is these guys are a bunch of hypocrites, too.

We give so much to the South (at the Federal level), we get so little in return, especially in terms of Country-first Senators:

Alabama lured automakers to the state by dangling millions and millions of financial incentives in front of them in the form of infrastructure construction and improvement, job training for workers and tax breaks for the auto companies. In fact, in every case, Alabama outbid other states with its attractive offer, like the $30-million training center that Honda said clinched the deal for its choice

If the U.S. is a level playing field, then Alabama is the biggest pot hole today, on this issue ...

Update: Shelby, 12/12/08, "They have a bloated workforce."

Yeah, the best thing as we move closer to coping with 'depression economics' is to insist that companies downsize. Keep it up. Give us all the quotes you have!