Not everyone there is so happy about Paulson's lender-bailout-first plan.
Still, yesterday, they had one - just one - 3-5 minute segment with guests who favor doing more to slow/stop foreclosures.The poor host couldn't stop from continuously brow-beating the guests with the unproven assertion that such a plan would just be helping speculators and deadbeats (both of which were said to be quite a bit overblown worries by 2 guests, with the third voicing no opinion, as best I recall without a transcript).
Today, it is not much better. Caruso-Cabrera has morphed into a Kudlow clone ...
Indeed, only days ago, she was just beside herself, visibly, when John Mack said on national television that it was time for a single, Global Regulator, so that global firms faced a uniform or reasonably uniform set of guidelines and restrictions ... Today, she's saying that John McCain isn't talking like a Republican, if you needed any further proof that ideology is still a large component of the mess that we are in...
I wonder why Larry and Michelle think $100 billion for AIG, who wrote checks they couldn't cash, is morally better than changing the mortgage terms for someone who took a teaser rate or stated an income too high so that they could... I wonder how they defend taking taxpayer money to give to companies who pay out dividends to shareholders?
Someone should take Larry aside and ask him to drop his political chants against Iran ("Don't you think that low oil prices will hurt them?", etc.).
A lot of people have done a lot of work so that "oil is not a weapon", can be a refrain in the global markets. We ought to support that approach, not slash and burn it on National Television.