It's like Kathy Griffen said, it's all fun until they turn on you ...
Enough out of me on this already. I like politics, but I'm not political enough to ... whatever.
Anyway, if the young GOP-set need a hero, they might read the brief written for the Supremes by former Senator Alan Simpson, another brave guy from Wyoming, IMO.
Oh, and by the way, taking a quote from the brave Mr. Zwonitzer, who was educated in public schools, I found whiffs of what those in the self-proclaimed Culture Wars would lay to waste and those cheeky 'subversives" flying the anti-P.C. petard would undermine with reckless aplomb, that is, the very liberal-based ethos of tolerance that the Left has worked so hard to build-up in America over the years since the civil rights struggle began in earnest, right through to the present day:
Under a democracy the civil rights struggle continues today, where we have one segment of our society trying to restrict rights and privelges from another segment of our society. My parents raised me to know that this is wrong.