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Monday, February 5, 2007

Mother Nature Knows Best How to Deal with Procrastinators

Temperature *change* stabilization at various increases in main GHG (CO-2):

Quantifications of the penalty for inaction on stabilizing GHG are shown above, for those 'waiting for science' or for those who imagine that such massive changes in the biosphere are 'not profound or historic' (I guess the last ice age wasn't particularly a 'security concern' for a global security "thinker").

If you double the gasses from say, 350, to 700, you can see that the mid-point temperature rise guesstimate far more than doubles, from 1.5 to circa 4.0. (o.k., so the impact could be more easily represented. Unchecked, total gas volume grows at a geometric rate, not linearly).

Here are some comments from one chit-chat I watched for a short time:

[Response: As Steve Pacala says, this is a problem with a very high procrastination penalty. We've already incurred a lot of the penalty, and every additional day delayed adds to the debt. Steve illustrates this to his Princeton students by adding one page to the term paper requirement for every beyond the due date it is turned in. --raypierre]


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This Valentine's Day let your loved one share the Gift of sustainability – pledge a tree in their name, in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley.
