The NY State Congress is in Democratic hands for the first time ... in an age.
In Texas, there is hope of a tie in the House, based on a recount.
In Minnesota, Franken is behind by circa 1,000 votes with just eight more precincts to report (and four counties to count).
...more later
Update: 9:32 a.m.
Missouri looks like it will go to McCain, by 5,800 votes only.
Franken behind by 600 votes ...
Update: 9:39 a.m.
Saxby Chambliss will not get the easy road. With 4% more to report, he's below 50% and the write-in candidates can only make his overall percentage lower.
Update: 9:44 a.m.
Al Franken loses by 726 votes to Coleman. Arrrrg! Factoids: Almost 24,000 "pulled a lever" for a Presidential candidate, in Minnesota, but didn't bother to vote for Senator. 360,000 more Minnesotans voted for Obama-Biden than for Franken. Undiciplined lot, those 'sotans.
Update: 9:54 a.m.Alaska votes to return first ever "convicted" Senator to office (that I know). After campaigning on "reform", Palin refused to say whether she had voted for him or not.
Just ... ponder that for a moment. Some write about the "core decency" of Conservatives/conservatism. Yet, when the rubber hits the road, it's the devil you know?
Honestly, it's hard to explain, even allowing for the Machiavellian "vote the seat". This headline sort-of says it all about the entire Bush "leadership" era, which Stevens backed: "Senator Ted Stevens accused of making false statements"
Update: 10:15 a.m.
As gay Californians wake up to their recently polluted constitution, the Secretary of State website crashes (one assumes that it is additional drain).