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Monday, November 17, 2008

Free the Shareholders!

Over half of American households own stock, but few get to vote the shares they own, because someone else votes for them...
Larry Kudlow screams that executive compensation is up to the shareholders, the owners of the firm.

He's got a strong case.

So, why not take him at his word, maybe as an inspiration for a netroots campaign to Free the Shareholders!

How many people own stocks, but don't get to vote, because someone is voting for them?

It's probably a lot. Many people are forced to own mutual funds in their 401(k) or other series in the variable annuities. Someone else votes for them.

Believe it or not, a directive has already been moved and adopted (I think) in the EU, with the surprising acquiesce of the ICI. I'm not aware that this directive has resulted in any changes in law within the EU, however (could be mistaken). (The motives behind shareholder rights "reform" in Europe are ... multifaceted.)