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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Senator Graham Know-it-All

Senator Lindsey Graham is making an historical fool of himself, today, on behalf of his political party's amateur hour in the torture room they created:

“You cannot say 'hello', firmly, under Common Article 3”
- The Pride of South Carolina, May 13, 2009, 11:43 a.m.

"The Geneva Convention did not apply until 2006." [Quite the message to send, eh?]

Update: Check out Graham's fallback position. It's secrecy, again. Faced with the fully dispositive facts that the Bush-era Zubaydeh claims are a farce, he falls back to KSM, for whom the details are not known and the clear-cut Zubaydeh counterfactuals, not present.


If only the people involved admitted it as such, this might have some currency. Cheney admits no mistake. He'd do it all again. Bush himself repudiated the Detainee Act with his signing statement. Condi may think she is excused because she was "terrified".

It is not behind us, Senator Graham.