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Friday, March 6, 2009

How Callous is Jim Cramer?

On last nights show (3/5), I heard this line:

"...even if it turns out to be a garden variety depression."

Just stop for a second and think how ingrained callous and comfortably above-it-all you have to be to dismiss a giant, labor-shedding event like a depression as "garden variety".

(Stop the Obama distortions, Jim, and we'll leave you alone. Your hedge fund buddies had it good for a long time, now they have to pay their part, too. They will still be taxed less than the big firms, so the hedge industry is not 'at risk', right?)

As for stock-picking, we had a long discussion of multi-brand hell, Coors-Molson-Miller-X45948305, that ended with no clear recommendation from Jim ...