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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Democrats Didn't Get a Majority Afterall

A group of Senators are living in the past.

In 1993, the three of us, as much younger politicians, stood with great expectations as the last Democratic president was sworn in with big plans, a head of steam and a Democratic Congress ready to begin a new progressive era. In less than two years, it all came crashing down, with disillusioned moderate voters [???] handing the GOP broad congressional victories in 1994.

Two words: transformative politics.

These people don't know its meaning. They want to triangulate, especially on social issues; and they think that is going to bring box-office success.

They will just be re-living their past (but with more perks, this time?), not seizing the day for a new era.

Update from Bayh (via Chris Matthews): (a) health care / Max Bacus, will require 60 votes, if it is sough outside budget "reconciliation"; (b) cap-and-trade will require 60 votes and may fail inside the Democratic caucus, because it 'penalizes' the midwest and doesn't make job-sense outside a global agreement of emissions controls / trading.