ON THE ROAD TO FIND OUT...The GOP passed out a huge boon to the drug companies. The Dems will pass out a huge boon to the health-insurance industry, by the end of the day.
Along the way, a lot of ill people are going to get care, they would not have otherwise.
But, my head is not behind the current approach of more private, for-profit insurance as a comprehensive solution to the system's ills.
There will be a reckoning, on these both, perhaps even in my lifetime. (And I rather resent Obama for sort-of telling 'his progressive friends' they might be dreaming too big). We lost a lot of time with the sad, aborted HMO end-run. How much do we have left?
At least, if there is going to be 'concession money' or legislation for malpractice-reform studies or trials, then there ought to be money for public-private ventures to amplify the better ways to deliver health care, including bold alternatives to the 'nanny corporation'.
Last, if he wants ideas, here's one.
Amplify the so-called 'public option' with an extension of the Federal plan for dental, the one that Senators' access.
Anyone citizen who wants to can sign up or substitute it for the company plan (using money their company would contribute to a private plan). It's a way to start small, head in the right direction, prove to a skeptical and confused electorate that change can work, and address a critical need, for the uninsured and the under-insured. It's easy to sell, and it's not as expensive as the whole enchilada. What's more, the government isn't in the fining and collection business and the justice department isn't chasing down flunking health insurers, who live in court as much as the real estate lobby, for ... messing up on 'the rules'.