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Friday, September 11, 2009

The Emergence of Effete Conservative Snobs


Andrew Sullivan starts a post, "Conservatism vs. the GOP", linking to a whiny post by Bruce Bartlett. Isn't that a quintessential sign for our times?

Even if the effete conservative intellectuals don't want to face it, the bare news is that "conservatism" is not a governing philosophy. It's not much more than a mob, a political axis that exists for the sake of those in it.

For years, liberal intellectuals were made fun of by the Right, for pointing out that Stalinism wasn't communism. That was a point too fine for their political opponents.

So, as was pointed out here before Tanenhaus wrote his book, American conservatives look like 60s radicals, today, making some fine point about ideals, idols, and the idyllic.

Even if the effete conservative intellectuals don't want to face it, the bare news is that "conservatism" is not a governing philosophy, despite even the pretenses of the "neo-conservatives". It's not much more than a mob, a political axis that exists for the sake of those in it.

The fact that the mob is intellectually dishonest, opportunistically inconsistent, and oftentimes morally vacant ought not to come as a surprise to readers of, I don't know, Conservatives Without Conscience?

These new snobs should just leave the party, either start their own or join the Democrats (afterall, enough of the Dem Senators are captured by special interests that they can't even vote to stop foreclosures during a crisis!).