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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Looming Health Care Battle - Are We Ready

Scanning through the comments here, it looks like some folks (here, here) are getting past the staid. blogospherical opinion-makers on the subject of what do to about healthcare.

Having listened to the recent President's roundtable, I have to say that even I didn't have an appreciation of the scale of the structural changes that could be required.

Getting cost-rationalization in American healthcare may end up being like turning a battleship. For one thing, we have no consensus or rigorous rank-ordering of the cost drivers. For another, there is no consensus on how to attack 'the problem', although many seem to be suggesting that a 'patient centric' focus is the way to grab a hold of this tiger and tame it.

Anyway, the uncertainty mist allows people like Kling to push scary 'tradeoffs' that we aren't even sure are of principal concern.

Related: Smackdown of the size of the 'frivolous lawsuit' cost driver...