ANOTHER REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRATION, ANOTHER MASSIVE CLEAN-UP REQUIREDI cannot believe my ears this morning. Unless America tortures, we cannot be safe. Wow!
Of course, those stunningly superficial, like Morning Joe, never say "safe enough", because no government can assure us of 100% safety.
I say stunningly superficial, because the Senate report is clear on the matter: we are not safer because of torture.
After almost every post-war GOP Administration, we have to struggle to get our bearings back. Nixon was ready to use the bomb, he got so frustrated. His lies became too
Now we have a likely conspiracy to do torture (still to be proven) ...wrapped up by those who knew the Government levers very well, to look like it was a "policy shift" in the government.
numerous to count, many of them degenerating into open secrets (like Cambodia). Reagan, for all his laudatory pragmatism, dipped into the "black bin" while his second-in-command, George-41, watched and later had to issue pardons all around. George himself narrowly escaped a disastrous turkey-shoot during Gulf-I (thank God for Colin Powell).Now we have a likely conspiracy to do torture (still to be proven) as well as potential Presidential/Vice-Presidential mis-use of the torture room (to support a political agenda for war on Saddam), wrapped up by those who knew the Government levers very well, to look like it was a "policy shift" in the government.
Dick Morris is out promising the FOX audience that "we will be hit again", if we do not torture.
The 'ticking bomb' scenario applies in less than 1% of cases, most likely. We ought not allow that rare exigency to give cover to those who would continue to write torture into the law.
Remember, this is the same political party that is offended if the Majesty of the Law is defaced by a redefinition of marriage to include gay affection. Somehow, it is "okay" if we legalize torture? That's not a redefinition of our values? That's not a far-right, 1%, hyper-politicization of security issues? What it means to be an American isn't redefined for all of us, by that? C'mon!
The vast majority of al qa'ida network data came from regular-way law enforcement.
The idea that we choose between torture and "being hit again" is so bizarre. For starters, ask the bomb crater formerly know as Zarqawi...